How to deal with my reservations?

Within our system, we use various folders to facilitate the smooth handling of reservations. These folders can be found in the left menu under ‘Bookings’. Below is an explanation of each folder:

Website Requests
These are reservations received via the website. From here, you can proceed to handle the reservation further, for example, by assigning it a status of ‘approved’ (see image 1).

Booking Requests
These are reservations manually created by the administrator via the planning page or ‘Bookings’ > ‘New’.

These are reservations with a status of ‘option’. This status can be assigned when creating a new reservation (see image 2).

Sent / Received
These are reservations (confirmations) sent from administration with an ‘approve/reject’ button (see image 3). This is often used to request final approval from the customer via confirmation email. The reservation must be manually approved by the administrator to move it to the ‘current bookings’ folder.

Current Bookings
Reservations with an ‘approved’ status.

Completed Bookings
Reservations with an ‘approved’ status where the rental period is in the past. This process occurs automatically when this condition is met.

All reservations with a ‘cancel’ status (see image 4).

This provides a summary of reservations with all statuses except ‘cancel’. It’s useful for searching for a reservation and tracking payment statuses, for example (see image 5).

You can customize the display of the overview according to your preferences. At the top right of the overview, there is an option ‘manage columns’. This allows you to adjust which information is shown in the overview, such as ‘amount’ or ‘deposit paid’ (see attached images 6 and 7).
